Paris The City of Love, Day 2 Notre Dame de, Ponts de arts & Eiffel Tower

It's our second day in Paris, can't wait to begin exploring this beautiful city. Our itinerary today is to visited Notre Dame, Ponts de arts and Eiffel Tower.

Nearest Station : 
1. St-Michel Notre Dame – RER B Train Line (blue) 
2. St-Michel Notre Dame – RER C Train Line (yellow) 
3. Cité – Line 4 (fuschia)
Opening Hours  : open every day of the year from 8:00 am to 6:45 pm 
                          (7:15 pm on Saturdays and Sundays), see the detail here
Notre Dame de Paris is an amazing Gothic church. My only knowledge about this church is coming from my childhood Disney movie "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame". It just like many people said, how beautiful it was inside and the craving in the doors and glass windows so remarkable.

Get there early to avoid the lines to the Bell Tower, trust me the views are worth it. It was one of our favorites things that we did in Paris even-though we have to pay and climb so many stairs. We also went to see "The Bell of Notre Dame", which also known as Emmanuel Bell. It is sounded for major holidays like Christmas, Easter, Whitsunday, All Saint’s Day, or for many important events.

We were so hungry after climb down, I blame those stairs and cold winter day. We found this small restaurant recommended by trip advisor nearby, too bad I forgot the name of the restaurant. The restaurant have both croque-madame and  Pork Chops with Ratatouille, those are the dishes we want it to try in Paris and both are absolutely delicious.

After lunch we walked around 15 minutes to Pont des Arts – ‘Arts bridge’. The tradition has it that lovers going on this bridge should by a padlock, lock it on the bridge’s railing and throw the key in the water if they want their love to last forever. That's what what we do since that day is our wedding anniversary. Too bad recently I heard that the bridge start collapse because the weight of thousand locks. We love the scenery in there, enjoy watching the boats moving on the river as I standing on the bridge.

Nearest Station : 
1. Champ de Mars / Tour Eiffel on line RER C. 
2. Ecole Militaire on Line 8 
3. Bir-Hakeim on Line 6.
Opening Hours  : vary depending on season, see the detail here
Finally our final stop for today is The One and Only - Eiffel Tower. The line to get up the Tower is ridiculously long, many people said even if you arrived early the line still long and I'm thinking I should probably reserve tickets online ahead of time bit it's too late now. So if you ever want to go there its highly recommended to but the tickets in advance. This time we took the elevator to 2nd floor (it cost 18 euros), since our feet are already tired from  climb up the Notre Dame Bell Tower. It's really windy that day, I'm totally freezing out. 

After you are done exploring around the tower and the base, you should walk over to the Trocadero Gardens, which gave you amazing views of the tower from there. My sister in law also specially request that we took in photo of her cute doll in here. You can took photo after photo in here, so beautiful scenery to ending up our journey today.
