Sun Moon Lake - 日月潭

Location : Sun Moon Lake, Nantou, Taiwan
Website :
Hotel :

Sun Moon Lake - 日月潭 is one of the best highlight in Taiwan attraction. The easiest way to go there is to took a GuoGuang Bus (國光客運), the bus run daily from Taipei West Station (near Taipei Train Station - 台北車站) to Sun Moon Lake. After the bus drop you in tourist center, we just call the hotel they will pick you and took us to the hotel. 

In front of our hotel directly is Wenwu Temple (文武廟), a must see if you go to Sun Moon Lake. Its the largest temple located at the shoulder of the mountain, the temple with amazing stoneworks. The entrance o this temple is FREE. 

Next activity to do is the boat cruise, a popular way to see the beauty of the lake, Visiting Sun Moon Lake will not completed until you took the boat tour. The journey will make many stop in priers around Sun Moon Lake. The most crowded pier is Shuishe pier, where you can see many restaurants, gift shops, small stalls, and guesthouses. 

Another highlight around Sun Moon Lake is Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village (九族文化村). You can reach this place by taking a gondola service from Sun Moon Lake Ita Thao. But since our hotel provide transportation to this here we decide to skip the gondola ride. How to describe said this place its a museum and also amusement park, since the are many attraction ride but also some Aboriginal village activities so the visitor can feel  about native Taiwan village in the old times. 
